funnyface4 copyThis is the story of a girl named Charlie, a twenty-somthing beauty-loving journalist living in London; one very small fish in one absolutely enormous pond.

I make lots of funny faces and wear lots of silly onesies and I blog about whatever takes my fancy.

Welcome to my little corner of the world (wide web).

All photos belong to me, unless otherwise stated

16 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hi! wow I really like your blog! Such a fun read and stunning pictures! I’m still fairly new to blogging so would love it if you’ll go check out my blog as well and maybe like or follow if you like it 🙂

  2. Lovin’ the blog sista!!!!!

  3. Charlotte Hayes says:

    Really really like your blog! So happy I found it 🙂

    <3, Charlotte

    1. Thanks so much love, that’s so kind of you and I’m so glad you like it! Xx

  4. nehi18 says:

    Hey Charlie .. really like your blog! I’m still new to blogging so would love it if you’ll go check out my blog as well and maybe like or follow if you like it 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, that’s so nice of you! I’ll definitely check out your blog! xxx

      1. nehi18 says:

        Thanks a lot Charlie…dats really very nice of you 🙂 Cheers

  5. pumarific says:

    Hello, I am looking for contributors for a woman lifestyle brand that my partner and I are creating. I love your blog! If you are interested in possibly contributing for a website please contact me @ and please check out our Facebook page Thank you

    1. Janess says:

      This piece was cogent, weewl-rittln, and pithy.

  6. LFFL says:

    What a nice blog you have here.

  7. jarvisbeauty14 says:

    I tagged you to do the Seven Deadly Sins TAG because I have been following your blog for a while now and I would love to see your answers to it. I would be grateful if you could check it out at 🙂

  8. voluntarilyhealthy says:

    You have a really nice blog, I just discovered it and I really like it 🙂

    1. Thank you! I’ll head over to your post now 🙂 xxx

  9. Abi Brown says:

    Hey 🙂 I have nominated you for the Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award. 🙂 xx

  10. Love that you rock the funny faces in your main pic…it shows you’re down to earth and real! I dig it.

    xoxo K

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